So you've developed an interest in coffee. In creating this site I wanted to explore not just the subject of coffee but also the way we publish on the web. Today the web tries to be many things but here we have something that actually fits well with the original purposes of the web. I've developed the content from original research gathered from various sources on and offline. Where material is quoted or sourced from elsewhere I felt it important to credit the author at the bottom of each page.
We read the web on iPads, mobiles, laptops and even TV screens so I've endevoured to craft the design for the best experience on each. A key focus was on improved typography. By paying attention to detail I've brought us closer to the beauty of printed word on a glass screen. Speed is so important, especially on mobiles, so the site only loads images that are as big as you actually need.
You may have noticed the lack of advertising around here. I am intentionally not including advertisments as they often create a poor experience for the viewer, getting in the way of the content you requested and compromise your privacy. Your privacy is important so I've gone to lengths to avoid third-parties tracking you.
Publishing on the web requires time and talent so how can this continue without the revenue advertising used to provide? This site will be funded through promoting relevant businesses without compromising the editorial opinion of the author. It is my hope that by not compromising on integrity I will earn the trust of the reader and create a valuable contribution to the web.
Hi, I'm Mark Robinson, I run a web design business CreativeTags from Belfast, Northern Ireland. I love good coffee and right now I'm drinking Guatemalan Caturra brewed with Aeropress.